Volume 5 Issue 6 (July-September 2019)
Economics and Management
Mali R.R. Gamification as a Technology of Talent Management
Solakhyan A.M. Lexis teaching methods in economic classes
Bedrina E.B., Faizova A.R. Migration as a solution to the problem of poverty in Tajikistan
Golovchin M.A. Education in institutional measurement: landscape and traps
Korolenko A.V. Reproductive behavior management: regional demographic policy experience
Nazarov A.V. The structure of recruiting agencies in Yekaterinburg in 2018
Proskurnina Y.A. Evaluation of the employees’ satisfaction degree by corporate culture
Sevastyanova O.V., Verna V.V. Implementation problems of the decent work concept in Russia
Skaranik S.S. Socio-economic conditions of regional labor market in republic of Crimea
Ustinova K.A. Institutional barriers to the human capital reproduction
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