Volume 3 No. 7 (July 2017)Issue cover Contents Economic Sciences Batikova R.O., Izakova N.B. Social-media marketing on the Russian market: features of application Varlamov M.O., Rekechinskaya T.B. Analysis of small enterprises development in Sverdlovsk region Kadyrov V.N. Problems of social-economic development in single-industry town on the example of Krasnoturyansk Municipality Kulkova M.V. Advantages and disadvantages of social policy in the joint distributed contact center of Sberbank of Russia PJSC Mikhaylova A.S. Problems and prospects of ratings development applied to commercial health organizations in Russia Starkov P.N., Sbrodova N.V. Problems and consequences of labor resources’ internal migration from the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts